Era of Changes

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Chapter 6 - At The Peak of the Current Cycle


The peak of the Era of Changes will test our civilization’s preparation to overcome emergencies during two distinct periods, day zero and time zero. Organizing collaborative networks and planning responses to local crises are paramount to preventing unnecessary suffering during the peak of disaster convergence.

Day Zero 

You would have arrived at day zero when natural and human-made disasters occur frequently and overwhelm local emergency response capacity. 

There Is Still Time to Act

There is still time to form collaborative groups, but it is quickly depleting because of the need for everyone to evolve beyond the social conditioning that drives their minds. As groups organize and develop, they create a network of resources and capabilities. However, in preparation for day zero, group members must develop a clear comprehension of the new conditions on your planet. The planet’s evolutionary demands on humanity would be impossible to grasp solely through training courses, discussions, or written materials. This understanding will develop as individuals continuously expand their awareness by integrating into the natural energies of the planet regularly.

No one other than yourselves can help you evolve. In developing understanding beyond your mind’s social conditioning, you will have to rediscover the knowledge lost throughout humanity’s historical trajectory. Research Nature’s systems and processes to answer your questions; otherwise, science loses contact with universal laws. Nature is the reference for balance and equilibrium always. Now that time is still on your side, study Nature and extract the natural equations that you will implement in the future to ensure human existence, survival, and sustainment.


Limits to Group Self-Organization Near Day Zero     

Your groups must simplify life and meet basic needs using Nature’s regenerative systems effectively. Each group must engage in studying the limits of self-organization, the availability of resources, and the ability to transfer knowledge to other group members. Groups’ limits depend on your efforts to mature psychologically and integrate knowledge to face complex problems of organization and sustainment. It is up to you to develop programs of study that will help you determine the limits of your group in terms of resources and the total number of members. If you estimate your limits accurately, you will have enough resources to meet emergencies during the transition to day zero and beyond. 

For this purpose, your analytical teams must include decision-makers with the ability to expand their knowledge beyond the social conditioning of their minds. All the knowledge necessary to remain on Earth beyond the era of changes is reachable through your core entities. All you need is the sincere desire to evolve, and you will find all the lessons, guides, and teachers you may need in your path. 

Those of you focusing efforts and honest intent to expand your awareness will eventually develop the ability to sense knowledge and energy beyond the limits of the mind. Today, you think of this ability as intuition and telepathy. These are necessary capabilities to communicate in the new dimensional realm. However, this development is difficult to achieve because it demands an honest desire for truth and the ability to abandon deceptive schemes. 

The teachers on your path, capable of helping you, know that the lack of sincerity is like contaminated and unhealthy water. Only clear and pure water can sustain life. 


Protect Group Members’ Wellbeing

Organize activities to ensure that all members experience meaningful, productive lives but proportional to their energies, actively avoiding fatigue and exhaustion. If you respect the energy cycles of each member, you will be able to prevent the deterioration of mental functions and failures during the response to emergency conditions. Those responsible for the group’s wellbeing must also remember to take care of themselves as much as everyone else. These practices are necessary to maintain balance and wellbeing at both the group’s management epicenter and the individual level. 


Preparation to Transition from Simulations to Real-World Emergencies

Remember that you would have conducted much of your training under simulated conditions. Practice taking care of each other in the face of actual emergency conditions; you will need to protect everyone. Every member is part of a complex dynamical system that will sustain your group. Near day zero, group members are virtually irreplaceable. You are interdependent, and every individual action affects each member of the group. 

If group members expand their awareness and mature before the era of changes begins, then fear will dominate no one; everyone will understand their role in the group, their rights as members, and their responsibilities.


On Day Zero 

The alert will reach everyone through a recognizable and validated system that no one will doubt. It is necessary to practice the response to possible situations most likely to occur in your region. Most importantly, you must organize a rescue team to extract group members experiencing difficulties responding to the alert.

Once day zero occurs, limit the addition of newcomers to prevent destabilizing the group’s capabilities. Group stability is a critical element to survive during emergencies. Once formed, the group’s integrity should be constant as much as possible. Contemplate the possibility of allowing new members only if the newcomer can contribute to deficiencies in necessary capabilities. 

The decision to add people who did not respond to your invitation before Day zero will always fall on the group at large. Emotions can obscure intent and decision-making and undermine members already dedicating all their efforts to the group’s plans and sustainment functions. Allowing your emotions to influence decision-making can induce errors, enable selfish actions, and destabilize the group. 

Remember that you must arrive at a state of awareness and energy beyond what you currently experience in the physical dimensional realm. At the end of the current cycle, on day zero, it won’t be easy to help someone who has not dedicated enough time to evolve. Once your world transitions into day zero, it will be impossible to make up for the wasted time. 

We urge you to develop your awareness beyond the social conditioning of your mind to avoid making decisions solely through your emotions or in response to mental and behavioral manipulations. Protect your free will.



Time Zero

The conditions signaling the arrival of time zero will involve two states: 1) public services (e.g., sanitation, food distribution, etc.) will be no longer available, and 2) private citizens must assume responsibilities to meet basic survival needs.

Time zero is a reset point that will occur once the current evolutionary cycle reaches its end, and the world exhausts all opportunities for equilibrium. It will not affect everyone simultaneously, but it will slowly spread as if casting a shadow on the planet.

Examining the past, you will see positive achievements and a negative balance. It will be easy for everyone to understand that Natural disasters, disease, hunger, declining natural resources, conflicts within and between nations, and the constant loss of lives would have eclipsed any technological advancements and scientific achievements.

At time zero, you will experience brief momentary confusion. The coordination of your groups will be like complex machinery that kicks into gear after a brief hesitation. Then the system of groups will begin to function as planned. Once this adjustment period ends, the daily activities will be in the hands of experts who diligently develop their knowledge and skills in preparation for this moment.

Unexpectedly, you may also find that few people will be by your side at time zero. Also, you will find out with great surprise that others, whom you may not have included initially, will collaborate and work extremely hard by your side during the most critical moments.

You will also receive newcomers into your group from other countries, speaking different languages but showing evidence of arduous preparation. You will recognize in them the same experience as yours, the same teachings, and identical wisdom reflecting a coherent plan. After day zero, group membership will occur spontaneously and in complete alignment with your philosophy, knowledge, and intent. 


Create A Refuge

Remember that divergent paths sometimes lead travelers to unexpected reunions. Do not lose hope and energy when members of your group leave you. 

The only useless actions are inertia and silence. Continue your efforts and remain united with those who stand by you today and those who leave you, because tomorrow they all may need your resources to survive. Create a refuge for those who remain and those who return to you. Remain calm during emergencies and keep the door of compassion open for victims of disasters and friends who were slow to respond before time zero. In critical times, however, give safe harbor as needed but learn to close the doors of your refuge to protect the group. 

Focus on individual evolution and on developing and implementing plans as soon as possible. However, study all relevant topics to give analysts and planners clear guidance and enough time to work without emergencies at their doorstep.


The Survival Phase after Time Zero

The survival phase occurs just before and during the days following time zero. In the survival phase, the group will be smaller with the necessary means to meet the challenges posed at time zero. After the initial threats diminish and travel is safe and feasible, seek to establish communication with all group members in the collaborative network.  

After several days post-time zero, you will experience a progressive rise in tensions due to stress and threats to safety and survival. Some members will not be ready to endure the immediate consequences of time zero; others will have enough strength to support and aid weaker members. You will need to have evolved beyond your mind to overcome the emotional experiences of the days after time zero. Many group members will experience so much loss and distress that they will not be able to adjust to their new reality. They will bring discord and mistrust among you. Some will even look to become leaders conjuring the old formula of political undermining to control the group. Most members of your group will oppose these efforts because amassing power over others will be widely known as trying to resurrect a monster from the past. Slowly, you will overcome these obstacles through your consciousness, without the use of violence, avoiding the cycles of competition for political power that brought so much pain and suffering to your civilization.


The Collaborative Network During the Sustainment Phase

The sustainment phase will begin after the shock experienced at time zero subsides and the survival phase concludes. Then, it will be critical to turn your attention to enhance the coordination of your collaborative network.

Keep in mind that group members need not live under the same roof or near each other. Cooperation and collaboration do not require sharing living spaces. Depending on actual circumstances, it may be advantageous to form a group with members distributed throughout a region or across regions.

No one person should handle multiple diverse functions. Avoid the risk of becoming dysfunctional and inefficient. For this fundamental reason, consider that an ideal number of group members may be near 30 in total. This number allows for the distribution of primary and necessary functions to assure sustainment and growth. Of course, we speak of 30 members who have evolved and can collaborate and cooperate to benefit the group.

If you are reading these words before day zero and time zero, it is highly likely that this idea will appear impossible to achieve. We urge you not to allow this idea to lock your minds and spirits into action paralysis. Remember, always, that all the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place if you maintain forward progress in your evolution and the development of survival and sustainment plans.  

Therefore, along with your effort to evolve individually, focus on developing a nucleus of people with the necessary skills and resources to think, analyze, and plan. Your sustainment plans must consider a fully formed group. Minimally, seek to achieve the following functions:

  1. Analysis of local population responses to emergencies and develop plans for sustainment after time zero. This includes anticipating how to ensure access to shelter, food, water, and health care.

  2. Analysis and treatment of natural water sources (e.g., rain, streams, underground water)

  3. Cultivation of vegetable and fruit gardens and caring for small farm animals (hens, chickens, etc.)

  4. Preservation, storage, and distribution of food and water

  5. Maintenance of structures and machinery

  6. Distribution of nutrition and hygiene information

  7. Children’s education and development

  8. Access to medical and health sciences services

  9. Psychological and spiritual development

  10. Maintenance of knowledge: health sciences, environmental sciences, rescue, survival, carpentry, horticulture, and biochemistry


Notes to Reduce Confusion

You will meet people from many different countries, bringing surprising psychological and spiritual development to your group. They will align with your goals, purposes, and efforts without great difficulty. They will come from places devastated by hunger and human conflict and will need to incorporate your processes and technological advancements to survive. 

Their arrival will increase the need for resources in your groups. Be prepared for their arrival in advance, even when you have no evidence that such people exist. Develop skills to effectively transfer knowledge so that you may enable newcomers to engineer their survival and sustainment methods. People from cultures that know how to cultivate the land and use natural resources will have less difficulty surviving. Many who criticized their apparent lack of modernization will have to admit their error.

Many diverse cultures will join in the sustainment efforts, particularly those who dedicated time to evolve spiritually. You will always recognize them by their actions and goodwill.

In contrast, people who have until this point dedicated their time solely to the acquisition of material gains and learned to depend on technology and infrastructure for sustainment will not be able to compensate for the time lost. They may feel that accommodating to the new reality is an impossible task. Many will suffer psychological maladjustments that will make them unable to contribute to your sustainment efforts. 

This issue will raise many questions in your mind. So, give yourselves time to introspect and find answers to these questions, in silence and the presence of your core entity, beyond your mind. Take time to analyze and plan to help those who will find no meaning in life after time zero.