Chapter 2 - How to Experience Expanded Awareness
This chapter explains how to experience awareness expansion beyond the thought processes of your mind. It describes contemplation exercises necessary to open the filters of the socially conditioned mind.
Daily Exercise
Choose a natural and serene landscape easily accessible to you in your daily routines. It could be a lake, a pond or body of water, the ocean, a desert, a mountain, a forest, a beach, your backyard, the sky, etc. The scene must be quiet and calm with little or no activity. Sit or stand quietly, paying attention to the environment and withdrawing your attention from any thought streams in your mind. Holding your attention on the scene and relaxing your body as much as possible, breathe in through your nose, deeply, slowly, filling your lungs with air. Then, hold your breath for 5 seconds, exhale slowly and pause. Begin the next controlled breath when comfortable. Repeat the exercise progressively from 10 to 12 times.
Practice this exercise at a time of day when you can take a break from thinking of practical endeavors and remain quietly in contact with the natural environment for as long as possible. This simple exercise will gradually expand your awareness so that you may sense the entrance into your inner sanctum, where you will experience inner peace and a refuge from the stress of your world.
This practice will open your energy centers and allow you to merge with energies in the natural environment. As often as possible, stimulate your children’s development by teaching them how to activate their energy centers through this practice.
Ensure the protection of your respiratory system by understanding its critical physiological function. It mediates the concentration of subtle energies in your body. Subtle energy centers throughout your body will lead you to experience expanded awareness and communion with Earth’s natural energies.
New Awareness/ New Consciousness
For thousands of years, human beings have created beliefs to calm suffering in their lives. The human mind knows there must be some explanation for its presence on this planet. Since humankind first developed self-awareness, it created gods derived from natural forces. Human beings worshipped fire, wind, thunder, mountains, rivers, the sun, stars, animals, and other human beings to find peace, purpose, and guidance. These gods helped men and women get through life’s many challenges and painful experiences. However, when your civilization truly evolves, you will finally meet your God, the one that has been and will be within each of you for all eternity.
Continue developing expanded awareness and sensitivity. Practice contemplation daily, individually or in a group, as it best works for you. Give time to people who wish to accompany you in your journey and expand their awareness. Help them learn to breathe, relax their bodies and minds, suspend mental activity, and reach their core entities.
Communicate the coming of the era of changes, and do not be afraid to share your knowledge or resources to aid others for fear of people who may not respond constructively. Remember that your evolution makes you rich, even if you were homeless.
As your awareness expands, have faith in your knowledge and intuition. Do not be afraid of disagreements with those who hoard material gains and power over others while ignoring fundamental questions regarding their existence.
Enlightened Living
Paths to enlightened living are arduous, challenging all who begin the journey. Experiencing the programmed mind and physiological drives makes developing your spiritual nature difficult. The five senses, language, and logic, determine and confound reality in the human condition. Human beings live with the fear of losing everything they have achieved and everyone they love. Be patient and cultivate compassion.
When you reach expanded awareness, you will naturally experience compassion for those who react with aggression and demean the value of your words. Let yourself feel the pain experienced by people who believe death separates them from everyone they love. Give your understanding and forgiveness to those who think there is no hope beyond this life. Realize that those who act with aggression do so because they ignore the beauty and wisdom within them. Consider how rich you are as you progress in your evolutionary path and gain wisdom through your individual experiences.
Remember that no path is devoid of challenges and uncertainty; in time, obstructions will dissipate as the world progresses towards the inevitable awakening. Share knowledge with everyone you meet, including those who doubt, fear, or lack understanding, respecting their freedom of thought and free will.