Era of Changes

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Chapter 1 - Human Consciousness in the Era of Changes


The following excerpts from the HS7 files, predict the coming of an era characterized by persistent threats to safety and security worldwide. Gradually, the frequency of natural and human-made disasters will increase and impact multiple regions simultaneously, exhausting local emergency response resources and public services. The material describes how the evolution of human consciousness is necessary to avoid chaos in our societies and cope with transformational changes on our planet. It further explains that consciousness development requires awareness expansion, protection of free will, and avoiding deception in social interactions. 


The Era of Changes

A sustained and unmistakable increase in the occurrence of natural disasters will announce the beginning of an era of worldwide changes, altering the normality set point to a new and profoundly uncertain state. The increasing incidence of international conflicts, civil wars, diseases, destructive weather events, droughts, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic activity will become the new normal, compromising every country’s safety and security. These events will not result in a dystopian world but will leave challenging conditions, human suffering, and technological losses in their wake. At the peak of this period, the poor and rich will experience untimely losses, extreme stress, and health consequences. 


Make Use of the Time You Still Have

Earth is entering a transitional state that will gradually change its surface geography, disrupting economic and social stability while paradoxically stimulating a surge in the evolution of human consciousness. Before disasters, wars, and disease become an everyday preoccupation throughout the world, strive to seek knowledge, expand your awareness, and change your future.

We urge you to reprioritize your daily activities and allow time to contact your core entities. This development will expand your awareness, activate your intuition, and enable you to contribute to Earth’s transition into the next evolutionary stage without severely impairing its regenerative systems. An increasing number of people, already experiencing expanded awareness, align with Earth’s natural energies. Unfortunately, they are too few to avert the ongoing damage to the planet and its people.

During the transition, you will face destructive forces originating from greed, tyranny, and the quest for absolute power. Wars, civil unrest, and exploitation of natural resources will cause widespread human suffering. Amidst these challenging days, find solace in knowing that Earth’s next evolutionary stage will not be compatible with those who threaten the equilibrium and balance of your world.


Expanded Awareness

Experiencing consciousness beyond the mind will liberate you from the mind's programmed contents and influence on your free will and internal compass. Practicing silent contemplation will expand your awareness, allowing your inner being to manifest in your life. You will know you reached your inner being because it spontaneously expresses universal wisdom and compassion.

You will also experience an internal drive to protect Earth's natural systems and the pain of having been part of the damage caused before your awakening. However, if you begin and stay on this journey, an evolutionary force will accompany and empower you, augmenting your every effort.


Authentic and Truthful Communication

In your civilization, it is common to view murder, theft, and fraud as unacceptable. However, justice systems rarely consider that the widespread use of lies is the root cause of harmful and damaging influences on your children and society. People must choose to reject and abandon dishonesty. It is necessary to strive for authentic and truthful communication, avoiding lies to cover one's intent and actions. Peace requires a culture with high values placed on genuine and honest communication. If you choose to be authentic, always practice being truthful; in time, you will be able to see clearly and without fail when others cloak their intent.



Each small step forward propels you closer to your goals. Excuses cause delays, detours, and obstructions. Do not lie to yourselves. Remember that people who claim to be deceived by others are often first deceived by their lies. We urge you not to confuse external appearances with your core entity; they are inaccurate reflections of your inner being. Consider that many actions, behaviors, and choices originate from the social conditioning of your mind, external to your core entity.

Often, people cannot distinguish absurdity from common sense or good intent from evil. Human beings can rationalize killing each other for the love of God, love of their countries, or for differing philosophies. Many people commit social injustices while acting in the name of justice.

Protect your Free Will

It is essential and fundamental to protect your free will. Consider that people often accept politicians without demanding evidence of their capabilities, mental health, and honesty. Political organizations build sophisticated systems that often generate false promises and illusory appearances to attract voters. Many people align themselves with political parties’ goals without being able to question their processes, actions, and intentions. It is as though human beings surrender their free will to candidates who can think for them and exploit their arduous work and hopes for a better world.

How do societies worldwide decide that their leaders or candidates for government positions are examples of competent and healthy individuals? In many instances, voters accept politicians who claim to love their countries and represent their interests. Neither individuals nor organizations require evidence of mental health or professional competency needed to govern.

Would you believe a physician or surgeon who promises, from a podium, to cure your ailments without proof of experience, specialization, and professional ethics? Societies worldwide require competent physicians to treat illnesses because everyone wants to be healthy and live long lives.

However, politicians need only to utter intent and appear to internalize significant concerns of potential voters to receive the power to endanger millions of lives. Human civilization is yet to learn a fundamental law: no one should ever have the authority to resolve conflicts by sending someone else to war.

Those chosen to govern must pass thorough examinations verifying their mental health, professional knowledge, and ethical standards. They must show evidence that they are conscious of your realities, compassionate, wise, and able to resolve conflicts peacefully. Governing cannot be the purview of conflicting personalities, charisma, rhetoric, or gimmicks to fuel your imagination and manipulate your free will.

In the future, authentic and truthful communication will be as crucial as water is to your body. Beyond the coming era of changes, the new world will demand justice and equilibrium for everyone; your societies will learn much that you now ignore. Unfortunately, if you wait too long to protect your free will and understand these issues, you will pay with your children’s lives and well-being, many times over, for a most critical lesson on basic principles.

Cultivate your Children’s Knowledge Beyond the Mind’s Social conditioning

 Without gaining knowledge beyond the mind’s social conditioning, it is impossible to awaken your consciousness. Parents must learn to expand their awareness before teaching their children how to live in their world. This knowledge is necessary for your children to cultivate their bodies and intellects without becoming subservient to physiological drives and mental programming. It must be the stronghold parents prepare for their infants to avoid wasting their youth.

Children need to learn the pitfalls of their societies before choosing their destinies. Many parents who do not cultivate their children will cry their early deaths without solace. Others will pick up the pieces of their children’s fractured lives destroyed by vices, addictions, or serving someone else’s designs without exercising free will. Beyond providing basic needs, parenting requires showing children how to experience expanded awareness before releasing them into the world.

Choose to build the new world now. It is urgent to question current beliefs and social conditioning patterns that instill violent imagery in your mind and your children’s minds. Do not cloud your children’s minds with images of violence. Instead, educate their minds and bodies to recognize their core entities.

Demand that your educational systems teach children knowledge and wisdom along with facts and skills. Work to reshape the educational system, beginning with peaceful resistance to the current practices. Let your requests be known respectfully and consistently. You can do much on your own for your children’s benefit, but do not hesitate. Act now.

Humankind’s Ascent

Humankind’s next transformational step is attaining awareness of universal compassion beyond body and mind. Consider a mother’s natural and unconditional love for her child, a love devoid of expectations. However, mothers are not the only ones who can experience unconditional love. Others can do so by cultivating equilibrium and reducing suffering.

Working to reduce suffering and protect the natural environment is one way to maintain equilibrium among the many forces impacting your world. Altruistic deeds influence all realms of existence, including higher dimensions and feedback on your daily experiences. These realms of existence are still out of reach from mainstream science. Scientists are beginning to explore new models of reality that will eventually lead to discoveries and reframing of the human experience.

When the era of changes becomes undeniable to societies worldwide, people who have used their time to develop expanded awareness will be able to endure and guide others through the suffering and uncertainty of those days. The miracle of evolution is the gift of compassion and understanding, even in the face of uncertainty, despair, and ignorance. The true hallmark of evolved beings is their ability to spontaneously experience compassion and love towards others, regardless of any differences in race, gender, bloodlines, relationships, interests, or preferences.