Era of Changes

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Chapter 3 - Breaking Through the Immutable Darkness


 Consciousness evolution will lead to significant effects on human behavior during the era of changes, affecting individuals, political organizations, and religious institutions. Society will fight corruption, and individuals will attain prestige based on their compassionate actions towards others and community contributions. Eventually, humanity will reject sacrificing lives to resolve disputes within and between countries. Free will and honest communication will be as valuable as water is to the human body.

Denouncing Systemic Corruption

Men and women from all nations work peacefully to undo the pillars that support dishonesty within your governments. They aim to develop collaborative systems rooted in the value of truthful communication. Their actions are commendable because they seek to uproot a systemic illness eroding your civilization. You will recognize them because they act alone, peacefully, driven by their conscience and free will.

People who engage in denouncing systemic corruption are evidence of the daily awakening of your civilization. Many of them will not back down in the face of dire consequences compromising their safety. Their inner drive to denounce dishonesty overcomes their fear of adverse outcomes. In time, their actions will inspire a worldwide sentiment, surging from all levels of society against behavioral patterns that do not respect human rights, and the freedom to make decisions without coercion.


Disruption and Reorganization

Natural disasters and conflicts within and between nations will disrupt distribution systems affecting humanity at large. Learning how to produce food locally will be the best means to protect the young and the old alike. This endeavor will be a notable departure from today’s social priorities, promoting healthy activities and a renewed appreciation for Nature’s miracles. The global necessity to reach a state of peace, balance, and equilibrium will result in the organization of local communities to ensure the distribution of resources. Being productive and contributing to local efforts will be a most salient differentiation among human beings.

As changes on the planet’s surface begin to transform every continent, you will witness noticeable changes in human consciousness. Human beings will no longer worship celebrities, political figures, or religious leaders. Gradually, a renewed recognition of the value for each human being will replace this self-deception. Societies will no longer stratify their members by money, power, or assumed prestige.

On the Value of Free Will

Many will contribute to their communities with hard work and goodwill. Inevitably, some will lead sedentary lives or focus exclusively on their bodies, often ignoring their intellectual development and their communities' needs.

Human beings are born with specific predispositions that originate within their core entities and genetic makeup. Some will be able to develop their bodies and intellects and benefit their communities. Others may only focus on a limited aspect of their potential. In these cases, avoid forcing them to collaborate in your daily work. The decision to offer time and effort to the group must grow out of individual realization.

While enduring the era of changes will require resources and opportunities for group members to grow and develop, satisfying these needs will not justify overriding individual free will or decision-making. Avoid seeking to influence others with convincing arguments or demonstrations of any kind. While you may not understand this reasoning spontaneously, expanding your awareness will gradually clarify this and many other social issues that will become salient during the era of changes.


Changes in Religious and Political Infrastructures

The emphasis on scientific thought will significantly alter philosophical foundations where religious infrastructure and traditions explain critical questions that every human being looks to answer. In the coming years, people in all countries will demand religious leaders to act in concert with their religious beliefs. However, in the face of hypocrisy and deception, humanity will abandon temples and churches of all traditions. Many houses of worship will remain empty as a testimony of their lack of spirituality. Some religious infrastructures will persist after experiencing significant adaptive changes to meet the new truth and validation culture.

Similar changes will occur in countries where governments endanger the lives of their citizens to settle internal and international conflicts. Humanity will repudiate and reject political leaders of warring nations, abandoning their decadent cities and political infrastructures. Upon the awakening of human consciousness, the global majority will demand peaceful conflict resolution.