Chapter 4 - Collaboration and Coexistence: The Foundations of Endurance in the Era of Changes

Collaboration network and coexistence


The need to establish collaborative groups will become critical. Survival will depend on achieving coexistence and collaboration within and between groups. A new generation with an affinity for collaboration will become the foundation for human civilization’s endurance and resilience during and beyond the era of changes. Preparing children to live in a world with limited resources will be crucial. However, the socially conditioned mind will pose the most challenging and unexpected obstacle. 

 The Emergence of a Generation with Greater Affinity for Collaboration

Keep in mind that the conditions on planet Earth will continue to become unstable, increasing the separation between the powerful and the poor. A small percentage of the world’s population will live in luxury while a more significant proportion will continue to struggle, day by day, to meet basic needs. Millions still will fall victims to outright hunger. 

Unmitigated competition among nations will result in an unfortunate, vicious, and repetitive cycle. Many countries will compete in the constant effort to gain economic and military superiority and achieve temporary dominance until other competing nations rise to power. Meanwhile, their citizens struggle to survive, working without reasonable returns for their efforts within corrupted economic systems that favor the rich and the very powerful. This maladaptive vicious cycle is characteristic of human activity and will continue until the era of changes begins to reshape your world. 

Throughout history and up to this point, human beings have been free to inflict suffering and injustices throughout the planet. In the era of changes and beyond, human beings will be born with a greater spiritual affinity towards collaboration and without the drive to achieve power and dominance through aggression and violence. Members of those generations will make human survival possible during worldwide emergencies. Yours is the task to evolve beyond the current state of consciousness and support their efforts during and beyond the era of changes. 

Cooperation Among Groups

Survival will not depend upon hoarding resources and deploying aggression to protect yourself. Enduring the era of changes will depend on coexistence and collaboration among interdependent groups. In days of severe emergencies, social entities, such as cities, towns, villages, and smaller communities or groups, will cooperate to compensate for temporary shortages of food and medications and the exhaustion of emergency response and healthcare services.

Maintain a disciplined approach that involves practicing contemplation and expanding your awareness. If you think that you are dedicating too much time to this endeavor, remember that every minute brings you closer to dispelling the illusions that bring so much suffering to your world. Remember that those who have developed the capability to expand their awareness will generate collaboration and cooperation and enhance your community’s ability to endure emergencies.

Network and collaborate with people who spontaneously find their way to working with you. Focus your efforts on working, organizing, and studying but never on convincing others to follow your path. Once you awaken your consciousness, your intuitive knowledge will augment your internal resolve, fueling goals and actions without fail.

If you understand the urgency of this message and organize yourselves using reasonable common goals, you will not suffer hunger, desperation, and chaos during the era of changes. You will be able to coexist with members of your group, collaborate and cooperate with other groups, work through difficult circumstances, and mitigate the most significant risks. 

Group Self-Organization 

Do not worry about finding people who understand the meaning of the words written here. You will find that many people have arrived at the necessary evolution but have yet to offer their capabilities for the common good. You will know them by their compassion for the planet and the peoples of Earth. They will come among you at a time when their presence yields maximum benefits for the group.

Meanwhile, practice honest and effective communication, encouraging each other to speak without deception and avoid discord. It is the only way to develop trust and open the possibility to share your needs and resources equitably. If you abandon discord and dishonesty; then, you will find that, in time, words will no longer be necessary to understand each other.

Enduring extended periods of time lacking access to public services, medications, food, and health care will require the organization of small groups, like your families, but large enough to share critical resources. Enduring these emergencies will require a shift from the prevailing definition of family, exclusive to members by blood or marriage, into a concept that includes family members by affinity and trust. 

Forming these groups will require much more than the willingness to share resources to meet necessities. Individuals who approach you to join the group must have the capability to coexist, collaborate, and work to meet the group’s daily needs. They must be altruistic and have strong wills, commitment, and self-discipline. 

We ask that you continue your efforts to investigate and search beyond the illusions of your civilization’s social conditioning. If you reach within yourselves and dedicate time to your development, you will inevitably see the signs that mark your path.

Frequent Emergencies will Generate More Efficient Collaboration

Once natural and human-made disasters become a daily preoccupation throughout the world, you will experience more efficient coordinated actions. In those days, everyone will easily understand the importance and value of current and new group members. Millions of people will concentrate resources in small cooperative groups, in separate and distant locations worldwide, responding to the same alert. You will spontaneously meet many of these groups and set up collaborative activities to do many projects that now seem utopist dreams. In time, you will love and trust their members as you currently do your family members.

Your Minds Will Pose Significant Obstacles

Gradually, but at a steady and unmistakable pace, climate change, international conflict, and disease will begin to overwhelm many countries and, at times, create dire inescapable circumstances. Yet, while these challenges will threaten your safety, your minds will pose the most challenging obstacles to overcome. Your subconscious will hold clear memories of the causality chain that brought your civilization to its knees. Many of you will ponder how you arrived at such an unstable state that made day-to-day survival unpredictable. Some will feel remorse for contributing to the cults of violence and aggression, the relentless exploitation of Earth’s natural resources, and the abuse of the disenfranchised. Most of you will experience a sense of disappointment for the excuses you might have given yourselves to justify ignoring the many signs of what was to come.

However, take solace in that everything you do today to resist violence and aggression, practice cooperation and collaboration, pursue peace in your communities, and manifest compassion will advance your psychological survival. These actions will help you find peace of mind when the moment of the era of changes arrives on your planet. You will know that you are doing everything possible to help your communities, your loved ones, and yourselves. 

Those who do not respect the planet will not know inner peace; they will be fully aware that their choices fanned the flames of destruction and human suffering. Their consciousness will not escape the knowledge of their lack of compassion for their planet and fellow human beings. However, if they choose compassion and kindness over hatred and violence, they will still have hope to remain whole in spirit and continue to evolve.

Awakening in the Last Moments

The signs of evolution will manifest in the ability to keep calm, use wisdom to make decisions, and protect free will in the face of persistent uncertainty and suffering. Compassionate and evolved human beings will generate admiration because uncertainty and fear will not dominate their minds and free will. They will live through emergencies and adapt as necessary as if able to walk barefooted over hot embers. They will also have greater responsibilities in facilitating growth and development among family members, friends, and acquaintances. 

Many of you may not be able to reach this state of consciousness before the era of changes begins to affect your everyday life. However, know that you will naturally evolve if you seek knowledge, expand your awareness, and make tangible efforts to reduce suffering in your world.


Chapter 3 - Breaking Through the Immutable Darkness


Chapter 5 - Preparing for the Era of Changes