Chapter 5 - Preparing for the Era of Changes


Preparing for the moment in which emergencies will overwhelm local resources and response systems requires significant coordination efforts. Collaboration will be vital to endure the coming challenges. Survival will require extensive planning, essential preparation, and the formation of collaborative networks to protect physical and mental health. 


First Priority: Planning

The time to form a group will have expired if disasters begin to occur so often that they exhaust the resources of local and national rescue systems. It would be too late if earthquakes and human-made conflicts disable road systems, waterways, and ports. However, if you read these words under more benign conditions, engage your path of evolution, study, plan, and organize a collaborative group, no matter how small.

As you begin basic preparations, remember that it is necessary to maintain a positive attitude when facing barriers and impediments to your progress. Trust your internal force and inspiration to harness the means for achieving goals required for group survival.

Encourage contributions from all group members during planning activities to create a spirit of inclusion and broad perspective. Even in the planning stage, you must ensure stability and balance in the membership of the planning working group. Include women and men in your planning activities to avoid inequities and personal biases. In the years before the peak of the era of changes, each group must engage in three basic activities:

1.    Theorizing local emergencies and group response plans

2.    Assessing the efficacy of emergency response plans and theories

3.    Testing and retesting emergency plans to improve their effectiveness


Work together in small and large groups as necessary to develop a list of prioritized activities. Design response plans for emergency scenarios likely to occur in the location you intend to live during the era of changes. These plans must describe group goals and individual actions clearly, including all steps necessary to ensure adequate preparation and response during emergencies.

Once you complete and exercise the emergency response plans in simulated scenarios, write down the results and lessons learned for each group member. Do not mind the criticism of those who judge your efforts as tedious or unnecessary. You will be grateful for the time and effort spent preparing in advance during actual emergencies.


Basic Preparation

When the convergence of natural and human-made disasters begins, you will already need to know how to respond during periods of back-to-back emergencies. There would be no time left for preparation and organization activities.

You will need to know how to satisfy basic needs such as:

  • Staying warm

  • Cooking and storing food without electricity

  • Storing food and producing food locally while avoiding contaminated land and disease

  • Testing and treating water from a natural source for drinking and basic hygiene

  • Maintaining physical and mental health

Begin today to form cooperative associations with people who already understand the need to prepare for the peak of the era of changes. Together you can learn to meet basic needs without all the technology and infrastructure you now enjoy. This guidance may seem unnecessary and even illogical today. Still, developing the capability to survive extended periods of limited or nonexistent public services is urgent and vital.


Understanding Local Response Capabilities

Specifically, your first task is to adapt the group’s organization to the context of the society and community in which you live. Develop skills to analyze the social environment where you intend to survive. It is fundamentally critical that you anticipate the potential psychological and sociological reactions of your community during emergencies. Learn or estimate how your local government and scientific institutions in the region may respond during periods of instability, food and medicine shortages, and encounters with natural disasters. With this knowledge and forethought, although it may be an estimate, you will be better positioned to identify the capabilities necessary to ensure your group’s survival during periods of sustained emergencies. Remember that you are not responsible for finding solutions for the world to follow; you only need to find solutions that apply to members of your cooperative group within the limits of the environment in which you intend to remain during the era of changes. More specifically, you must become proficient in techniques and practices that will assure the group’s survival through natural and human-made disasters that are likely to affect your region.

As soon as possible, engage in the study, development, and testing of well-designed emergency plans that apply specifically to the various locations where your cooperative group members live. Gather available information and compose accessible formats easy to use and implement into action. Create a manual of actionable knowledge tailored to your group’s ability and means to implement successfully (e.g., how to prepare to withstand a cyclone, what to do in case of civil unrest, how and where to evacuate, what to include in an individual survival pack, how to prepare children for an emergency, etc.). 

Remember that you are not responsible for finding solutions for the world to follow; you only need to find solutions that apply to your cooperative group in the environment in which you intend to remain during the era of changes.

Members in your collaborative group will need to continue living and working in their current locations, especially if their jobs contribute to their community’s survival and sustainment. Both professionals and students will make significant contributions by teaching skills necessary to endure emergencies during the era of changes. If you possess professional skills, build a dependable internal organization to leverage your extended network’s resources and design plans for sustainment during emergencies.

Just as important is to encourage everyone to develop expanded awareness and learn to discern their consciousness and free will from their mind’s social conditioning. Without this critical evolutionary quality, survival will become impossible, no matter your resources and preparation to survive emergencies.  


Second Priority: Psychological Adjustment

Enduring the era of changes will be difficult, physically and emotionally. In those days, political and social affiliations, religious beliefs, and rituals will not save people from the anxiety and panic brought about by the sudden destruction of supporting systems currently sustaining the fabric of your civilization.

Do not expect everyone to have the opportunity to survive. Much will depend on their state of evolution and preparation. Massive losses will be unavoidable if a significant proportion of the world’s population does not evolve beyond its current state.

There will be no judgment day. No one can decide who remains beyond the era of changes because there are no absolute means to reduce the uncertainty of the coming days. For these reasons, it is necessary to evolve psychologically and philosophically.

While adults will find the era of changes extremely challenging to endure, young people will be able to cope with transformational and emotional impacts better than adults if you help them develop expanded awareness before the peak of convergence.


Protecting Individual Mental Health and Achieving Group Organization

Be aware that surviving emergencies cannot depend solely on individuals who can live off the land or in the wild. This belief is mistaken. Becoming members of a survival group requires spiritual affinity, diverse intellectual development, and skills that contribute to the group’s survival. Individuals with experience in medicine and health sciences will become critical for the sustainment of the group during periods of scarce or nonexistent public services. Psychologists and sociologists will be just as essential to protect mental health and organize group activities. If these skills are not available within the group, then look to set up collaborative relationships with other groups to generate resources for the benefit of all concerned. 


Preparing Young Minds and Families

Children must always be first in your priority list. They must begin their evolutionary journey as soon as possible. Your group will need to study mental health disciplines to ensure young people develop healthy and adaptable minds. Apply this knowledge as soon as possible to avoid developmental maladjustments. Your young will need to become well-adjusted and resilient to endure the coming wave of challenges throughout the world.

One of the most important goals is to encourage young minds to pursue scientific and technical disciplines. Scientists and skilled professionals will be the ones to establish the necessary infrastructure and policies for coexistence. It will be essential to encourage your young to seek studies and professions that require the use of technology and scientific knowledge so that they may help to solve sustainment problems during and beyond the era of changes. 

Accepting and understanding the responsibility to awaken young people will make your group realize that survival depends on the evolution of young and old alike. In this effort, you will not be alone. You will have the necessary energy and knowledge to stimulate young people’s awakening. 


Young People Beyond the Era of Changes 

In the future, young people will be born with their consciousness already predisposed to collaborate in groups formed by the affinity of its members. However, what they will always lack is trust in the world in which they will be born. This insecurity will cause them to reject their social environment and escape from the entrapment they experience.

Those who will be part of the future will have to accept the hard labor to cleanse their bodies and minds and regain their original consciousness. The contamination of the mind and body with chemicals that distort the natural state (except for necessary medicines) cannot be part of the world beyond the era of changes. It would lead humanity to repeat past failures. A new world will grant the opportunity to reset humanity’s evolutionary course and avoid the deformation of the human spirit and mind and the enslavement of their free will. 

 Your young wait to hear the exact words that resonate within their consciousness and lead them to realize their origins and reasons for existence. They will then discover the reasons for their presence on Earth. They will find proof within themselves and abandon the practice to escape everyday reality. As they change their attitudes and philosophical perspectives, they will find peace, goodness, and the capability to love themselves and humankind. 


Finding Meaning in the Era of Changes

There will be many people who will awaken as the era of changes begins to transform your world. They will seek your aid, but they will not be psychologically ready to endure natural or human-made disasters or join ongoing efforts to aid victims of disasters. Many will also experience a profound loss of meaning because their professional lives will not be helpful during or after the era of changes. They will feel displaced, as their social influence and administrative credibility will have no place in constructing a resilient society. Yet, many will learn new skills and make efforts to become helpful.

However, those who do not believe that growth requires perseverance and progressive learning, will not be able to remain with you. Keep this in mind, but do not stop making information available to everyone who reaches out to you.

We ask you to be patient and compassionate. Teach what you have learned and rejoice when others find their way through their struggles and realizations. Do not despair when people seem not to work on their evolution and return to old behavioral patterns. Maturation takes time.


Live Today with Knowledge of the Future in Mind

In the current state, worldwide evidence shows that humanity has yet to realize the value of Earth’s natural and regenerative systems. Otherwise, human beings would have already committed to protecting them at all costs.

Human beings will no longer fear or seek to dominate each other. Instead, they would have begun an engaging journey of discovery within themselves.

In contrast to 20th-century civilization, beyond the era of changes, most people will reach a state of awareness that will inevitably reveal the tremendous knowledge hidden in the beauty and elegance of Nature. In that state, the happiness of being human will be everyone’s treasure, right, and experience. Awareness that now lays dormant will awaken to inspire new research fields and scientific achievements, enhancing the human experience with the fascination of knowledge believed to be, until then, impossible to reach.

People who would still harbor desires of accumulating riches and power over others will experience an unbearable disappointment. No one will exploit Earth’s natural resources or human needs because the governance of all societies and the planet will be different from what is known today.

Earth will reach an energy state that will allow its transfer to a yet unknown dimensional realm. Human beings that remain on the planet would have reached a state of evolution, enabling them to experience awareness beyond the confines of the mind.

Contemplative practices and the expansion of sensory sensitivity will allow everyone to experience a new dimensional realm. Through this expansion of awareness, you would have evolved beyond the current animalistic state, awakened new sensory experiences, and survived during the era of changes. You will experience dimensions that now stay hidden behind the curtain of illusion created by the programmed mind.

Human beings will have a perspective of reality that preserves the value of the past, allows the examination of the present, and maintains a vision of the future, ensuring the survival of the planet and humanity. There will be no efforts to develop weapons to destroy each other. As a norm, human beings will respect Nature, each other, and everyone else they will contact. Their energy will be tangible with visible light emanations, compassion for all that exists, respect for universal laws, and knowledge. Keep this image of your children in your mind’s eye and know that every effort and project you advance will ease their evolutionary transition and that of planet Earth in their lifetime.


Chapter 4 - Collaboration and Coexistence: The Foundations of Endurance in the Era of Changes


Chapter 6 - At The Peak of the Current Cycle