Chapters 8 - Coping with Transformational Changes
The care of children living during and beyond the era of changes is of great concern. Expansion of their awareness and intellect must progress without obstruction. It is also essential to care for children who will lose their parents during the transition. They will need special attention to grieve and continue learning and thriving in the new world. Work on implementing a plan to protect and care for your children well before the era of changes overwhelm your resources. Acknowledge that those responsible for the care of children will need psychological training and expanded awareness. Their preparation must enable them to aid children in manifesting their core entities.
Children of the Future
Much of the information we share in advance of future events will help you understand the need to evolve and anticipate the challenges you must meet head-on. Imagine your daily routines when your preparation is in full swing, and the frequency of natural disasters and human conflict increases to everyday occurrences. Then, you will witness that your children's ability to develop and evolve will seem incredible, particularly compared to your capacity. In the future, children will develop expanded awareness more rapidly than they do now; it will seem almost abnormal. In those days, your children will show marked changes in their consciousness, beliefs, behaviors, and sentiments towards the planet and each other. In the future, those in charge of children's care must ensure that expanding their awareness and intellect progresses without obstruction.
Dealing with Loss
It is also essential to care for children who will lose their parents during the transition. They will need special attention to overcome their losses and continue learning and thriving in the new world. Work on implementing a plan to protect and care for these children. Do not wait to plan until the changes overwhelm your resources. Realize that those responsible for the care of children will need psychological training and expanded awareness. Their preparation must enable them to aid children in awakening their core entities.
Necessary Innovation
It is urgent to start new programs to improve children's education, beginning with kindergarten. Your current methods do little to help children become integrated into their communities.
In many countries, educators lack the necessary resources to make significant changes to improve the education system. Most governments favor funding weapon systems rather than education research and implementation of new educational approaches.
Children must integrate into their respective groups with a spirit of expansion and cooperation. From an early age, as they begin interacting with their environment, they need to learn to work with other classmates rather than engage in activities in solitude. They need to know how to cooperate and collaborate, express themselves in agreement or disagreement, sharing their ideas and doubts with deep respect for their classmates.
In the future, children will learn to cooperate through their games, reinforced by living in a group and assuming responsibilities proportional to their age. Children will learn from an early age that their actions and choices always generate consequences for the people who live near them, the planet's environment, and diverse wildlife. Through this awareness, your children will awaken to the importance and relevance of their lives from an early age.
Adults and Young Adults
Similarly, young adults joining your groups must arrive at the comprehension that they are, in fact, responsible for everything that occurs in every country of the world and on planet Earth. This adjustment will change their lives and enlighten their awareness, assimilating valuable priorities throughout their development. Otherwise, their internal compass will lose its way without this reckoning, leading them to destructive tendencies.
For the time being, and for a long time to come, the path of adults and young adults is one of learning, investigating, and working. However, in time, your understanding will increase, and clarity will replace the feeling of uncertainty. The path to follow will lay forward without obstacles. Countries will collaborate scientifically and technically for the common good of all. Organizations will function under the same level of consciousness, communicating without interferences and selfish intents. In those days, humanity would have learned, beyond any doubt, that negativity, greed, and reactive behaviors bring chaos and suffering to all involved.
Experimental Stations
These writings do not advance a new dogma or religion. Our prediction of changes to come is verifiable through investigation and scientific inquiry. Scientific efforts already attempt to discern how to bring peace globally, but without sufficient success to rapidly stop the tide of coming events. Yet, the attitude of many governments is to increase spending on armaments to defend themselves from each other. Their approach to survival is to overwhelm their feared adversaries with more lethal weapons.
However, from this point onwards, it is necessary to develop experimental stations to demonstrate methods for enduring the era of changes. These experimental stations will compensate for the lack of foresight in Earth's governments, yield insights from human evolutionary achievements, and provide the blueprint for many of you to survive the era of changes. These experimental efforts will also result in frameworks to facilitate individual evolution before the era of changes reaches full force. In these environments, individuals may work on their evolutionary development, becoming able to usher in the new world after the period of changes concludes its transformational effect on the planet.
This proposal may seem out of place to you due to worldwide concerns about countries suffering from hunger and international and local conflicts. It may seem almost ridiculous to dedicate time and resources to developing experimental environments that would simulate a future state that is yet to occur. However, without the benefit of systematic and deliberate scientific inquiry, your civilization will not be able to cope with the wave of abrupt and inevitable changes forming in the ripples of the near future.
Few governments have already experimented in developing environments to survive states of emergency lasting for extended periods. Much of the science of survival will originate from efforts to adjust human physiology and psychology to the challenges of interplanetary travel. Remember that these resources and knowledge will be available only to members of elite organizations and not to those of you who toil daily to sustain homes and families.
We believe and hope governments will be interested in supporting the development of experimental environments. Their implementation will unveil answers urgently needed throughout your world.
The Ability to Learn
Many countries encourage citizens to work, thrive, care for their families, and pursue personal goals. But even in the best examples of a free society, the educational system absorbs the child into a process developed for large groups. Children receive information in groups from an early age as if the ability to learn develops through a collective process. This conceptualization of the learning process is a grave error. Before children begin their formal education in the classroom, they need individual attention to develop the ability to learn.
Scientists and educators (teachers, psychologists, physicians, pediatricians, and sociologists) must assess your children's health status, innate capacities, learning ability, cognitive makeup, and behavioral tendencies. Specialists must closely follow their achievement of developmental milestones and mitigate shortcomings before they begin to affect their development adversely. Educators must tailor education systems to children's developmental abilities and limits.
In the current approach, generalized curricula cause many children to find education out of their reach only because they cannot learn. Those who fall behind will struggle throughout their educational experiences unless you consistently provide individualized programs tailored to their needs and strengths. In close collaboration with parents, monitoring and evaluating children's developmental progress must begin after the first year of life and persist throughout young adulthood.
Your group must set aside enough resources for child education with a priority just below meeting basic needs for the group. The perennial problem is that governments spend more resources acquiring armaments and developing weapon systems than developing education professionals and programs supporting child education.
Discover the Emerging Child
Even in countries where individuals are free to express their individuality, the lack of assessment techniques to determine innate abilities limits children's development. Societal needs and family resources often shape a child's development, regardless of their potential.
We urge you to initiate experimental education programs focused on discerning and protecting children's innate characteristics and capacities to ensure unobstructed development. Assess children at one year of age and every year after that to identify and mitigate genetic and environmental conditions that may impair the achievement of developmental milestones. This approach will allow you to respect the child's inner core and avoid unnecessary behavioral conditioning that may suppress their innate capabilities.
Caretakers must respect the right of children to discover themselves without external pressures to serve the objectives of the social environment. We plead with you to avoid shaping your children into uniformity. Respect their individuality and vocational tendencies, and you will enjoy the fruits of well-adapted and fully realized adults.
Knowledge and the Natural Environment
With your current knowledge and capabilities, you will face problems that will seem unsolvable. However, Nature's regenerative and adaptive processes will always provide alternative solutions. If you study the Natural world more closely, you will find answers to the world's problems that you would not be able to imagine in your mind. You will discover methods for designing organizations, assuring fundamental freedoms, meeting human needs, and protecting the natural environment.
Since humanity developed the powers of observation, reasoning, and learning, Nature has constantly revealed how to maintain equilibrium between available resources and population growth. However, human beings intentionally populate cities without control causing overcrowding conditions. Exceeding limits of regional resources and overcrowding contribute to the relentless consumption of global resources, deteriorating mental health, and well-being. Under these conditions, Earth's complex balance will shift toward tipping points and cascading consequences that will disrupt human development and the integrity of Nature's regenerative systems. These lessons, now well documented in the history of Earth and humanity, must guide your development of innovative designs beyond the era of changes.
Cities and towns must function within natural limits, preserving the balance between population size and natural resources (e.g., farms, clean air, and water). Begin research efforts and experimentation now before a time when your daily focus will be solely on survival.
The air you now breathe in highly populated cities cause innumerable disruptions in the stability of your body's physiological systems, resulting in diseases of the body and mind. Simply put, your civilization does not pay sufficient attention to the effects that pollution of the natural environment exerts on health. It would be best if you realized that exposing human beings to polluted air results in physical and mental illnesses.
Combining polluted air with alcohol, nicotine, stimulants, and recreational drugs creates a new species entirely dissimilar to the natural human being. In this condition, this new species is neither human nor animal. This hybrid species is your creation and constitutes a version of yourselves that you should change and leave behind during the era of changes.
Limits to Evolution
Study how Nature balances species and their sustaining environments in the plant and animal kingdoms. In contrast with Nature's inexorable system corrections, human beings maintain that the individual right to reproduce is above the natural limits of overcrowding and depletion of local natural resources. In this condition, a family existing beyond the means necessary to support itself may add new members without regard to the consequences inflicted upon their existing children. This rejection of common sense affects the capacity of families and communities to ensure quality of life in both large and small conglomerates.
The first goal is to heal the harm inflicted on your world and civilization as much as possible. Plan and design solutions to prevent past errors, ensuring that children become integrated into a society where procreation occurs in balance with natural resources. Evolve so that your consciousness parallels Nature's wisdom. Place human consciousness on Earth and allow it to develop and evolve in a less hostile and much more balanced environment.
We work not only to ensure humanity's uninterrupted development but also to protect planet Earth. We aim to draw attention to the need to evolve from aggression and exploitation to conscious responsibility.
Our commitment is to never abandon you and aid in extinguishing the flames of destruction now burning in many nations throughout the planet. We will accompany you on this journey but remember that your survival depends on accepting the responsibility to evolve with your planet's natural evolutionary development.
Slow down the pace of the era of changes by understanding the concepts, beliefs, and policies that brought your society to its current state. Some countries already understand how to ensure peaceful coexistence; however, their numbers are not enough to impact your civilization globally. More countries must collaborate to control the forces that thrive on humanity's blind quest for absolute power and exploitation of Earth's regenerative systems.
Humanity has had many opportunities to evolve above greed, violence, and the blind pursuit of power. Now is the time for this cycle to come to its end. Changes on Earth are inevitable. Yet, there is still enough time for many of you to reach the next evolutionary spiral aligned with Earth's transition into a new dimension.
Your Path Forward
If you already sense the coming changes and wish to reduce suffering in your world, you have awakened long before you read the first words of this book. Conscious evolution is the only way to protect Earth, your children, and yourself. Many have already responded to this alert. Unfortunately, they are too few to mitigate the influence of people whose self-destructive actions already compromise Earth's evolutionary development. Human suffering will worsen as violence spreads worldwide unless your civilization stops on time. Populations experiencing hunger and oppression will continue to suffer.
We ask that you appeal to young people worldwide and ask them to rebel peacefully against violence, aggression, and war. If they lead this rebellion, many countries may stop to contemplate before taking the last steps into the abyss of self-destruction. Keep in mind that Earth's future is uncertain and that on the current trajectory, humanity stands to lose this most precious planet.
It does not matter how much time it takes to reach your goals; what matters is that you continue making efforts to achieve them. We understand that your achievements will be proportional to the resources available to each of you. You will encounter difficulties and obstructions, but you will succeed using your intuition, hard work, and creativity. The challenges you have met up to this point, and those you will experience in the future, will gradually strengthen your capabilities to act.
If you read these pages before the cusp of the era of changes, increase your knowledge, and offer it to others. However, it should be clear that your task is not to shape anyone's understanding. Everyone must develop and grow with their free will intact in the absence of persuasive arguments you may fabricate, no matter your good intent.