Chapter 7 - Predictions on the Renewal of Earth and Human Consciousness
Although challenges to human survival will persist for some years after time zero, expanded awareness and compassion among human beings will be commonplace. The pursuit of knowledge will be the most pressing urgency. Resources to gain an education and professional training will be everyone’s birthright. Society will prevent corruption from its institutions. The young and the aged will finally overcome the emotional isolation of modern living. A new worldwide equilibrium will foster a widespread sense of justice and protection of free will.
Philosophical Transformation
Much will change in human society just a few years after time zero. Gone will be the days in which a family’s last name would bring notoriety or respect. Political power, money, or leadership in religious organizations will cease to elicit respect and adulations automatically.
Evolved human beings will not seek individual awards and special recognition. Their natural inner self will always drive them towards bringing equilibrium and benefits to the group; their inner compass will guide them towards challenging work, fairness, and collaboration. Accomplishments will become part of everyday living but not the means of becoming noticed in society or attaining salvation in the afterlife.
These philosophical concepts and sense of ethics will fuel organizations throughout the New World. People who neglected engaging in awareness expansion before the peak of the era of changes will have difficulty adjusting to the new reality.
Stable Minds, Knowledge, and Liberation from the Chains of the Past
Beyond the first years after time zero, the remaining elements of civilization will enter a period of stability. Universities, laboratories, and hospitals will be the first entities to recover functionally. Scientific endeavors will follow, offering young people opportunities to grow intellectually and emotionally. Centers of study will include the development of healthy and well-adjusted minds as core elements of their programs.
You will finally overcome the isolation that today plagues the young and the aged; everyone will be free to belong to a society designed to support and nurture them. The equilibrium achieved through giving and receiving in a nurturing social environment will alleviate humanity’s psychological ailments.
Cultural values that ignore individual capabilities and limit members using age and social status as determinants for merit will become obsolete. This change will help to abandon the errors of the past and focus energies on building the future. In the end, knowledge and truthful communication will be some of the most valuable assets.
Once the cycle of changes ends and surviving groups begin to function effectively, most of the population, liberated from the chains of the past, will choose to evolve and pursue higher learning. Accumulating knowledge will be the most pressing urgency, so much so that teachers will turn classrooms into laboratories, fostering learning through experimentation. This approach will, in turn, prepare students for higher education within the context of a dynamic and effective learning environment. Experimentation will be the means and process to gain knowledge in all subjects, including art, philosophy, political science, and all forms of scientific endeavors. After time zero, the science of human nutrition will aim to end hunger and malnutrition for everyone.
New World Equilibrium
Today, greed rules the exploitation of lands and peoples of Earth without great concern for the long-term impact on the environment and the individual. It is challenging to contemplate your current state and how your civilization could have better managed Earth’s lands and natural resources.
After time zero, humanity will form governments as administrative controls to ensure a just distribution of resources. Scientists and everyone involved in the protection of natural resources, including human resources, will contribute significantly to governmental organizations. Limited availability of fertile lands will demand careful management to avoid repeating the devastation caused before the Era of Changes.
The evolution of the family will support the pillars of society that will sustain the new world’s equilibrium. The concept of family will extend to members of the group, expanding beyond the limitations of bloodlines. Compassion, communication, and collaboration will constitute the nuclear forces that will sustain the group, defining the meaning of the word love beyond today’s constructs. Each group member’s protection and care will be a distributed responsibility extending beyond family members. The expanded family will love all their members and children.
It may not be easy to conceptualize a time when family ties will expand beyond bloodlines, marriage, or adoption. However, human evolution implies that animal instincts and physiology will no longer control free will. These changes will include a restructuring of the human mind, resulting in a new conceptualization of the divine, the human, and the destiny of humanity. A psychological change will be apparent, particularly in those who dedicate time to their evolution. The new philosophy and new world equilibrium will be the sunrise after the long night of the era of changes.
Not surprisingly, the field of education will experience many transformational changes. Prestigious study centers will open their doors to everyone without the economic stratification of today’s educational systems. This change towards free education will respond to the massive losses of lives and technical knowledge and humanity’s new internal compass guiding actions to preserve natural resources, including the human intellect. The health and wellbeing of individuals will be more important than profit. Specialized schools will nurture students by preventing problems of personality development and social adaptation.
Human beings will become critical components in the equation, ruling the protection and sustainment of Earth’s natural resources. Supported by a system that will stimulate innovation and discoveries, students will break new grounds and reach scientific achievements for everyone.
Wisdom and scientific endeavors will be among the most respected achievements. Children will grow in a society where the magic of scientific discovery and spiritual evolution would have replaced today’s fantasies of violence and aggression.
Justice and Free Will
Justice will exist on Earth as it does in evolved civilizations; through self-judgment by the one needing to atone for a wrong action. In these civilizations, self-administered euthanasia alleviates unbearable suffering when the harm caused cannot be atoned. No one has the right to interrupt anyone else’s life span. The best outcome for the person that caused the damage is to experience a recycling of their energies to continue evolving.
On the other hand, if the human personality can be productive and restore those affected, self-administered euthanasia will not constitute a legitimate course of action.
The right to decide one’s death may seem cruel to your present ethical perspective; however, it is a compassionate approach, showing deep respect to the human personality’s free will. Remember that as your civilization awakens to the understanding of reality and the truth of its origins and its future, a concept reflecting transformation will replace the current use of the word death.
Abandoning Deception by Self and Society
Politicians will no longer enjoy trust and empowerment in the face of the failure to serve the very people who chose them. Your civilization will not trust politicians and reject corrupt political organizations. Politicians will no longer be able to hide corruption and ineptitude.
Information will be more widely available in the future, exposing well-guarded secrets shaping the historical context of all countries. These dynamics will result in needing to verify claims of heroism and accomplishments. The gradual effort to validate information will inevitably expose lies and deception, requiring a re-evaluation of the many heroes and historical figures now venerated in your history textbooks.
The past and the present will dictate the future through the constant effort to confirm and verify information shaping the context of truth. In the end, a proven lie will be as objectionable as a severe crime.
The pain and suffering endured by the many countries engaged in human conflict, wars, and ethnic persecution will make military-industrial complexes an unnecessary remnant of a painful past. Your civilization will respect a worldwide organization that will make scientific advances and resources available to every nation, incorporating a shared sense of justice unassailable by political interests and by those who would exploit a country’s people and resources to perpetuate their agendas.
All countries will have independent governments using their constitutions and governing bodies. They will use the most accomplished professionals with proven abilities to lead organizations to develop and manage resources, education, scientific endeavors, and technical development.
Common Sense Will Be the First Sign of Consciousness Evolution
Garments will continue to express diversity and elegance, but they will become more functional to protect and adapt to environmental conditions. There will not be uniforms as color and style will still provide individuality, but fashion will yield functionality and affordability. What you wear to protect your body will not segregate your population and attach importance or a sense of higher status. You will conclude that changing garments is necessary for no other reason than maintaining hygiene and adapting to environmental changes. In the future, you will begin to use free will and common sense to stop enriching the few that create artificial needs in your minds.
Simplifying everyday living will become your first concern, setting up a firm base for the future of your civilization. Your societies will express sophistication in scientific and environmental equipment, scientific research, technical developments, teaching and learning methodologies, etc., but not in empty endeavors such as fashion. The essence of your lives will become the center of your attention.
All members of your civilization will enjoy Nature equally as no one will hold any exclusive rights to its beauty and force. You will abandon large conglomerates for less congested and more natural environments. Many will view large cities as uninhabitable and part of the museum of the past. In the future, human beings will react to large cities with the same emotional reaction as you now respond to a small, confining, dark cell. You will witness a slow but progressive exodus from large cities. Many people, who never thought of leaving their towns, will progressively experience the urgency to move away.
Nonverbal Communication
Thus far, we have gradually advanced the concept that human evolution involves more than going beyond genetic predisposition, variation, and adaptation to environmental pressures. The development of free will and expanded awareness are fundamental to your consciousness evolution. If you experience expanded awareness, then you will be able to abandon the reliance on the use of deception in all its forms. Once you reach this phase of your evolution, you will spontaneously express genuine compassion for humanity and the natural environment. These changes human consciousness are necessary to increase Earth’s vibrational state and move the planet away from the current state, preventing its transition into a higher energy evolutionary spiral.
As human consciousness reaches this state, a new form of communication will emerge among human beings. We define this capacity as the projections of concepts, emotions, and images without spoken or symbolic language. Once you have moved beyond deception and the resulting lack of understanding among you, this nonverbal form of sharing information will become the most desired means of communication. Patience and efforts to evolve will usher this form of communication, which you now call telepathy.